
18 March 2011

17 March 2011

Today was awesome because of 416 metres.

That's how many I climbed.  Sure, it's not Everest, but it was a beautiful journey up Mt. Finlayson.  At the summit, my buddy Mike and I enjoyed granola, berries, and breathtaking views of the forest, the sea, and the mountains.

I urge everyone to get out this week and appreciate a piece of nature, wherever you are.  Look for something you find beautiful... it doesn't matter what it is, where it is, or what size it is.  A mountain, a river, a snow covered pine, a budding tree, a rolling wave, a marching line of ants, your neighbour's garden if you must!  Anything!  And then really take a long, slow look at it and think about how totally, outrageously, incredibly wondrous planet Earth itself is.  And marvel.

A perfect stream at the bottom of Mt. Finlayson. I filled my bottle with it's crystal clear water.

Going up!
A view from the top.

I, on the summit!

(What made your day awesome?  Tell me in the comments section below.  I'd love to hear about it!)

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