I live with a dog. A beautiful, old girl named Ruka. Today, my housemate Lacey and I took Ruka for a long walk down the beach. There's a path that runs alongside Dallas Road beach where everyone goes to walk their pets off-leash. It's a wonderful place. Everywhere you look dogs are sniffing each other's asses while their humans are shaking hands. The grassy fields are a little bit like a playful battlefield where the only things being launched are sticks and balls, and you might have to avoid a landmine or two. Dogs are amazing intermediaries: Take two people that would normally walk past each other without a word, add a couple of dogs to the mix and you've got a friendly conversation!
Young pups zipping around wildly with more energy than their little bodies can contain. Old veterans wandering from bush to bench to pole, checking out every scent along the way. People, engaging in little conversations about their companions, the weather, or anything at all. After a few minutes most people wish each other a pleasant day and continue on their walks, but I like to believe that every so often little connections are discovered and new friendships, maybe even new romances, are formed.
And we have dogs to thank for breaking the ice.
Ruka, laying down in the sea. |
(What made your day awesome? Tell me in the comments section below. Reading it will be another awesome part of my day!)
This morning was awesome because I spent 2 hours walking along the beach on Dallas Road and saw a bald eagle dive bomb a hawk....